

I saw a really great animation called persepolis the other day.It's about a girl growing up in iran in a politically tense time and then having to leave iran because she is abit of a rebel and then returning in a similar oppressive time.I thought it was really well made.A highlight is her doing her own rendition of 'eye of the tiger.
Which you can see if you click the link below ..
umm you will have to watch the rest with subtitles...

chad deconstructs trains

In this zine Chad has a rant about trains and then verbally attacks his best friend clifford for not remembering his birthday.He thinks he is insensitive as chad dosent know his biological family as his birth was a scientific experiment.

chad does chad

'Chad does Chad' is a Collaborative issue between myself and Matthew Hopkins .For this issue i did all the illustrations and left speech bubbles empty for Matthew to fill in the story.In this issue Chad goes on a multicultural adventure to Chad. Nelson mandela,a mystical shark and a crazy cat make a cameo on the banks of lake Chad.Collaborations are always interesting.Somehow they always make sense at the end.Ultimately i would like to see Chad as an animation although i dont have the technical skills to achieve something like that yet.One day...One day

The New Timetable

This morning when i got onto the train i had an old bmx with me that my partner and i no longer use.I was bringing it in to work for one of the young people i work with as would rather him ride an old bike than jump trains like he has been.As i got in the carriage in the corner was a short man that made me feel tall and if you have ever seen me i am short.This old man looked like danny de vito's character' the penguin' in Batman returns.This old man was short,bold and had a check umbrella in his hands that he was using as a makeshift walking stick..unfortunately he had buckled knuckels,perhaps it was athritis?.He made a whistling sound through his teeth.As soon as he saw me he told me that those(the bike) wont be allowed on trains in the new train timetable. I nodded because i didnt want to make too much conversation as in previous experiences on the train if you give a nut-nut an inch they will sit next to you on the train and take a mile.He then told me he works for the train (couldn't believe that as he was about 80).He also said in the new timetable there would be a ticket price rise and all trains would stop operating after 7pm in the evening because of all the gangs and terrorists around.He said trains would no longer operate on weekend and that they would be replaced bybuses.As we passed the interste XPT area on the way into the city he said that those trains would be off the new timetable as well because they are too old and then mumbled to himself 'ooh i wonder who is the driver?.. His eyes followed the train until the drivers seat but there was nobody in it because it was off the tracks.
As people came in the train he had a new comment for them.As the train got full he said it was so crowded because the train had come from Campbelltown.It had not come from Campbelltown though.It had come from Lidcombe.


Pivic Video (in progress zine)

In the 'Pivic video' comic we get a glimpse into the everyday moments Chad shares with his customers.
Many of the idea for the Chad comic come from my everyday run in with people.Mostly things i observe on the train.For example last week a random woman saw me skething and them proceeded to tell me that helping the unfortunate is her life passion although she work in a massive corporate firm for bread and butter.No doubt she will turn up in a future chad comic.Right after that woman got off the train a little old french man next to me started talking to me about his health problems.I don't know what it is about me but i'm a magnet for weirdo's ..maybe because i'm abit of a weirdo too!
On a side note I'm going to try and get some issues of CHAD to the 'This is not Art festival' this year.CHAD will be unleashed

Chad [figures shit out]

This is the first Chad comic ever created.In this Comic Chad speaks to his Friend Clifford and tells him that his favourite movie is Donnie Darko.Chad tries to convince him that hiccups are a glitch in the time travel process of life.Clifford dosen't want a bar of it.